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Mises à Jour NuTCracker
Problèmes résolus par le Patch 3 de la Version 9.2
Patch3 Télécharger (36,9 Mo) - 32-bit uniquement
Patch3 Télécharger (123 Mo) - 32-bit et 64-bit
  CFS 27273 - winctrl has issues with accented characters
CFS 28422 - Control Panel applet says Windows Longhorn instead of Windows Vista
CFS 28654 - "sftp ls" fails with error: Couldn't stat remote file: No such file or directory
CFS 29041 - find gives errors that are half French and half English
CFS 29053 - vi/viw do not always correctly report a "file not found" condition
CFS 29081 - more interferes with window settings
CFS 29277 - "rsh -n" causes a loop to terminate
CFS 29332 - eventlog entries and dialog popups occur after installing Microsoft Hotifxes
CFS 29543 - Itanium PSDK does not include a compiler
CFS 29655 - flip does not recognize byte-order-marker for UTF8/etc files
CFS 29692 - cpp giving "Illegal digit in octal number" warning
CFS 29718 - X/Server 8.5 autostart failing on Vista
CFS 29757 - perl incorrectly handles environment variables that have equal sign
CFS 29807 - scp is unable to transfer large files on dual processor machines with hyperthreading
CFS 29914 - shutdown utility taking way too long
CFS 29915 - secshd eventlog errors: Path conversion for exec has failed
CFS 30012 - getting "Command not found" errors in shell
CFS 30027 - add support for %N to date
CFS 30035 - ssh port resets itself after adding a second user to Access Control
CFS 30037 - Control Panel applet should limit input to files when files are needed
CFS 30087 - gunzip fails with a seg fault when run on a Zip archive
CFS 30106 - security vulnerability in bzip2
CFS 30142 - seg fault occurs when breaking more with Ctrl-C
CFS 30145 - rsh hangs on 64-bit Windows Vista machines
CFS 30146 - gzip does not compress an empty file
CFS 30165 - shell script dies with an Invalid Handle error
CFS 30178 - sftp seg faults on 64-bit machines when host verification fails
CFS 30181 - which finds apps in syswow64 before system32 on 64-bit machines
CFS 30191 - HOME should contain backslashes for non-MKS commands
CFS 30202 - sh has a memory leak
CFS 30211 - fork related errors occur on Windows 2008 machines with UAC disabled
CFS 30222 - XmCreateFileSelectionBox() needs a long time to display remote files
CFS 30231 - shell scripts dying with fork errors on Windows 7
CFS 30250 - su fails on 64-bit Windows 7 with a Network API error
CFS 30311 - sendto() returns errno 85, Socket is already connected
CFS 30315 - cat/vi/diff/file do not see files in subdirs of $WINDIR/system32
CFS 30335 - unable to create more than 2 timers with the timer_create() API
CFS 30356 - "cd .../dir_name" makes a mess of $PWD
CFS 30367 - stat() misbehaves with an owner sid that has more than 5 sub-authorities
CFS 30459 - viw registrations are missing on x64 machines
CFS 30474 - zipinfo not licensed in OE install
Problèmes résolus par le Patch 2 de la Version 9.2
Patch2 Télécharger (10,6 Mo) - 32-bit uniquement
Patch2 Télécharger (35,1 Mo) - 32-bit et 64-bit
  CFS 24429 - functions are not exported to subshells
CFS 28906 - read fails on Japanese UTF-8 files
CFS 29092 - broken ksh function calls
CFS 29194 - bad input causes 64decode to GPF
CFS 29231 - printf gives the wrong output for 64-bit unsigned octal integers
CFS 29315 - test -le and -ge yield incorrect results
CFS 29341 - pg should honor the COLUMNS variable
CFS 29380 - md5sum and the other *sum utilities fail when filenames contain spaces
CFS 29412 - tr fails on Japanese machines
CFS 29428 - bc and dc should accept commas as numerical separators
CFS 29447 - imapmail needs SSL support
CFS 29459 - sort needs support for files that have no field delimiters
CFS 29467 - file fails if $MAGIC contains a UNC path
CFS 29478 - the vi map command does not work with multi-character mappings
CFS 29504 - problems with symbolic links and remote shares on Windows Vista
CFS 29594 - sed fails with a backtrack stack overflow
CFS 29625 - csh does not always start in $HOME
CFS 29630 - the samples fail to build on Windows Vista if $PSDK is unset
CFS 29653 - stty -a fails with a ""the handle is invalid"" error"
CFS 29671 - cpp strips intermediate spaces
CFS 29674 - need support for UNIX formatted output files
CFS 29708 - the NuTCRACKER service is dying without logging any info
CFS 29722 - ssh-host based authentication does not work on Windows Vista
CFS 29773 - vi -U8 fails silently
CFS 29774 - vi/ex "":e a*"" reports ""Too many file names"" for filename ""a b"""
CFS 29798 - tksched's build number is missing from the about box
CFS 29807 - scp fails while transferring large files
CFS 29838 - tr -s incorrectly translates multi-byte data
CFS 29845 - ssh causes scripts to run slow
CFS 29846 - date produces garbled output on Japanese machines
CFS 29848 - XKeysymToString() no longer returns a char
CFS 29856 - fork(), execv(), read bytes from stdin using revc()
CFS 29857 - test -f yields incorrect results for pathnames that starts with ""/[A-Za-z]="" or ""\[A-Za-z]="""
CFS 29861 - when tempnam()/mktemp is called in a loop it fails after few runs
CFS 29870 - rsh fails with ""An operation was attempted on something that is not a socket"" error"
CFS 29871 - file descriptor passing over FIFOs is broken on Windows Vista
CFS 29872 - date does not abbreviate the time zone correctly on Japanese machines
CFS 29878 - cut does not handle multi-byte characters correctly
CFS 29879 - the date command is off by one hour on some Japanese machines
CFS 29913 - blank window with direct rendering
CFS 29918 - improper argument handling in sh
CFS 29935 - csh does not convert PATH to Windows format at startup
CFS 29944 - shmget() fails despite ipcs -a reporting that the shared memory segment is free
CFS 29952 - system() does not work correctly
CFS 29958 - ls -l yields the wrong output for symbolic links on Windows Vista
CFS 29964 - service fails with a ""More data is available"" error"
CFS 29985 - perl tk checkboxes and radio buttons are invisible
CFS 29987 - missing perl modules
CFS 29998 - rsh commands running in the foreground with input from a pipe can hang
CFS 30036 - ssh connection failing intermittently with ""key_sign"" failed message"
CFS 30057 - mksrv created services fail to start on 64-bit Windows Vista machines
Problèmes résolus par le Patch 1 de la Version 9.2
Patch1 Télécharger (10,6 Mo) - 32-bit uniquement
Patch1 Télécharger (35,1 Mo) - 32-bit et 64-bit
  CFS 25076 - rshd crashes randomly when under high loads
CFS 28584 - there are typos in the envvar manpage
CFS 28692 - awk printf() problems with German characters
CFS 28832 - sh exits with return code 125
CFS 28907 - the awk printf precision variable has problems with UTF-8 characters
CFS 28964 - unable to connect via ssh
CFS 28989 - expr not working with German characters
CFS 29043 - problem with case insensitive grep
CFS 29056 - sftp -b is broken
CFS 29065 - changes to last column affect first column in curses
CFS 29071 - the vdiff32 command line is not consistent with diff
CFS 29091 - the output of smtpmail -D goes to stdout instead of stderr
CFS 29097 - color scheme in vi sometimes changes
CFS 29128 - the nutc_srv.c sample gives warnings with Visual Studio 2005
CFS 29175 - performance problems with tr
CFS 29246 - mapimail -a looks for an absolute path
CFS 29311 - the perl script() function broken
CFS 29324 - shmget(), shmat(), shmdt(), shmctl() in a loop causes an error with errno = EEXIST
CFS 29359 - awk fails with a seg fault
CFS 29377 - the sh manpage lists CTRL-C as signal 1 instead 2
CFS 29384 - problem with ICMP IPv6
CFS 29412 - Various utilities (tr, wc, uniq, sort, awk, sed, head, tail, cut, comm) fail with read error on Japanese machine
CFS 29457 - gmake converts the value of TMPDIR
CFS 29464 - problem with SSH connection
CFS 29497 - viw inserts the wrong text
CFS 29506 - ssh login fails despite key exchange
CFS 29509 - sftp crashes with a simple batch file
CFS 29528 - vi output below the bottom of screen does not get cleared
CFS 29545 - ls -l is slow on a USB flash drive
CFS 29564 - setup.exe switches to "installation mode"
CFS 29565 - the web images do not like to unpack to a dir that is named with spaces
CFS 29572 - lsshare and rmshare don't agree on the available shares
CFS 29582 - files larger than 2GB are not shown in Motif FSB
CFS 29587 - the usage message for web does not include -A
CFS 29614 - diff of two Unicode files is broken
CFS 29615 - patch doesn't work if last line is not terminated
CFS 29621 - awk fails with a seg fault
CFS 29666 - rshd fails to retrieve password
CFS 29673 - man fails from a csh that was started from a login sh
CFS 29684 - perl needs support for the XML::Writer module
CFS 29687 - ctime -f %V reports incorrect information for Dec 31st, 2008
CFS 29690 - compress doesn't support compressing a 40GB file
CFS 29708 - the NuTCRACKER service is dying without logging any info
CFS 29750 - ruserok() gpfaults if gethostname() is not called first
CFS 29759 - diff3 -e does not produce the expected output
CFS 29769 - awk generates incorrect output file
Problèmes résolus par le Patch 1 de la Version 9.1
Patch1 Télécharger (14,8 Mo) - 32-bit uniquement
Patch1 Télécharger (53,6 Mo) - 32-bit et 64-bit
  CFS 21138 - vdiff32 fails with "Unable to create vdiff.ini file" error
CFS 21736 - vdiff32 needs command line options to ignore spaces
CFS 23065 - printf needs support for 64-bit integers
CFS 23409 - tar should clear the archive bit on files in the archive
CFS 24383 - backslash escaping is not done for [[
CFS 25210 - mouse scroll wheel only scrolls one file in vdiff32
CFS 25895 - typo in vdiff32 help
CFS 25927 - there is no way to configure vi separately from viw
CFS 25975 - viw considers "#" a comment within "${}"
CFS 26002 - web should use a larger buffer when writing output
CFS 26031 - ftype and assoc should give a better error when a registry call fails
CFS 26740 - backspacing over a "\" in viw yields incorrect results
CFS 26871 - bash -n creates an empty output file and generates 2 error messages
CFS 26946 - smtpmail needs an option to set the from-addr using an environment variable
CFS 26973 - cannot build x64 target on x86 machine with cc
CFS 27032 - issues with smtpmail and accented characters
CFS 27061 - gzip needs support for larger amounts of data
CFS 27111 - vdiff32 fails with "MKS Toolkit Install error"
CFS 27405 - viw splits Chinese characters
CFS 27434 - "socket watcher wait request failed" errors occur while the CPU is under heavy load
CFS 27454 - the typeset keyword is not always highlighted properly by viw
CFS 27690 - $ROOTDIR/etc/cxx.ccg is missing
CFS 27701 - sh tabcomplete has problems with multiple args and spaces
CFS 27859 - vdiff32 complains about binary files
CFS 28009 - java jni program crashes on x64 systems
CFS 28069 - uil fails with a seg fault
CFS 28297 - awk insist on translating output characters to the OEM character set
CFS 28323 - perl converts forward slashes to backslashes in environment variables
CFS 28333 - fgrep seg faults on large input file
CFS 28413 - rexec login fails with "login incorrect" error
CFS 28433 - viw paints the background the wrong color while scrolling
CFS 28464 - vdiff32's online help does not work on Windows Vista
CFS 28465 - vdiff32 needs to be refreshed
CFS 28473 - installer is not setting up x64 and ia64 compilers for Windows Vista PSDK
CFS 28495 - Shell tab in the advanced Secure Shell Service config doesn't support arguments
CFS 28509 - the copyright symbol in the vdiff32 about box is wrong
CFS 28518 - find now matches "(" but only when it's not preceded by "@" "*" "?" "+" or "!"
CFS 28559 - vdiff32 fails with "MKS toolkit install error"
CFS 28572 - viw does not display non ASCII characters correctly
CFS 28573 - sed gives the wrong output for strings that contain extended characters
CFS 28575 - cd command does not return to the last directory
CFS 28676 - sh tabcomplete has problems with paths that contain "(" and ")"
CFS 28683 - "ssh-keygen -t dsa" generates invalid keys
CFS 28686 - file locking has changed since Toolkit 8.7p5
CFS 28690 - dlopen() is broken
CFS 28700 - chacl fails on remotes shares
CFS 28706 - crontab escapes characters when it does not need to
CFS 28731 - crontab should allow "%" characters to be escaped
CFS 28773 - command line utilities don't have a manifest
CFS 28796 - ls should give an error for remote symlinks
CFS 28810 - need an updated version of vdiff32
CFS 28811 - vdiff32 needs Unicode support
CFS 28843 - cp fails with "handle is invalid" error
CFS 28845 - "tail -n +xxx" starts at the wrong line if the input contains nulls
CFS 28856 - localtime() returns a pointer to an empty struct on Windows Vista
CFS 28859 - more displays the prompt in the wrong location on Japanese machines
CFS 28860 - viw displays one blank line for each character in the second row
CFS 28865 - viw gets the byte count wrong with Japanese text
CFS 28872 - wcopy on a file containing Chinese characters results in an error message
CFS 28877 - "head Japanese_file | tail" fails with "read error on stdin"
CFS 28887 - viw should change IME modes when changing from insert to command mode
CFS 28894 - cannot build the autoconf-2.59 sample
CFS 1006640 - vdiff32 needs -w and -b command line options
CFS 1016556 - shortcut needs an option to set the Shortcut Key
CFS 1018985 - viw does not recognize the Run Maximized shortcut setting
Problèmes résolus par la Version 9.1
  CFS 19560 - sh and ksh do not support the /C=/ file naming convention
CFS 22506 - csh does not support the /C=/ file naming convention
CFS 23239 - ps must use psapi instead of performance data on Windows Vista
CFS 23279 - "who am I" returns the current time as the login time
CFS 24859 - imapmail -m should suppress the "Message #??" lines that precede every message
CFS 24975 - tar 2GB warning should not be given for files < 2GB
CFS 25839 - TMPDIR is not valid in sh command substitution
CFS 25945 - setenv is not working as expected in csh
CFS 26037 - minor issues with web's usage message
CFS 26060 - make converts "\\" to "\"
CFS 26066 - Event Log contains "Deprecated option RhostsAuthentication" errors from secshd.exe
CFS 26095 - first progress bar displayed by the uninstaller has no description
CFS 26488 - awk does not support /dev/stderr
CFS 26528 - description of IFS should outline its behavior when unset
CFS 26650 - find bug in -name matching
CFS 26677 - add support for Windows Vista symlinks
CFS 26681 - ls fails on DFS UNC paths
CFS 26727 - ps needs support for "-o domainuser"
CFS 26739 - viw ignores background color setting
CFS 26742 - awk fails when floating point numbers are used
CFS 26799 - gzip -a cannot decompress files compressed with -a option
CFS 26872 - viw pastes text in the wrong location
CFS 26889 - warning message from cp uses "\" instead of "/"
CFS 26891 - chmod man page incorrectly states that the S bit works on Windows NT
CFS 26954 - who should be Terminal Services aware
CFS 26957 - tr cannot translate "o" to or from "\376"
CFS 26964 - -h option is missing from the df usage message
CFS 26982 - dirname reference page should mention that no pathname returns "."
CFS 26990 - awk printf "%d" incorrect with large integers
CFS 26997 - sum -p seg faults on files >= 2417483648 bytes in size
CFS 27035 - search and replace problems in viw
CFS 27060 - sh filename completion problems with special characters
CFS 27102 - rshd loops forever on GUI apps
CFS 27110 - mksauth and rsetup should be available in the Connectivity Suite
CFS 27182 - pg prints wrong amount of lines if file contains ASCII characters
CFS 27213 - add support for filename mappings
CFS 27316 - vi seg faults when using ALT-V to paste the contents of the clipboard
CFS 27360 - need updated gmake sample
CFS 27367 - mv -f does not work as specified
CFS 27388 - warning should be given when vi(w) target file format will loose information
CFS 27423 - problems creating multiple SSH channels using the same SSH connection
CFS 27433 - ld passes UTF-8 temp file to Windows linker
CFS 27483 - df display problems with "total size" and "mounted on" columns
CFS 27487 - doc issues with emacs editing mode section of sh reference page
CFS 27489 - tempfile can't handle spaces in TMPDIR
CFS 27499 - cpp problem with parsing hexadecimal constants
CFS 27500 - cpp -MM needs to create short names
CFS 27501 - some -W linker options missing in cc and ld
CFS 27505 - need support for ":" as path separator
CFS 27513 - wpaste doesn't work with Word hyperlinks in clipboard
CFS 27532 - dotglob is not supported in the x64 sh
CFS 27533 - file fails to read the default magic file when INPUT_FORMAT=UNICODE
CFS 27537 - sh double spaces stdin from the console when CTRLD and UNICODE are set
CFS 27539 - text is truncated when printing HTML man pages on A4 paper
CFS 27552 - su doesn't reset TMP/TEMP/TMPDIR if it fails to access the current TEMP
CFS 27572 - rcp will not take a drive letter formatted path
CFS 27574 - rcp does not handle file non-existence well
CFS 27625 - piped commands give the wrong output with Japanese text
CFS 27634 - ls -XA //server/share/dir fails on distributed filesystems
CFS 27656 - more has display problems when there is a UTF-8 character in the last two positions of the screen
CFS 27657 - vi has display problems when there is a UTF-8 character in the last two positions of the screen
CFS 27709 - new thread suspends main thread
CFS 27741 - missing static objects in 64-bit c.lib
CFS 27745 - output of df has become human-unreadable
CFS 27814 - jobs -l prints the wrong PID and process name
CFS 27844 - the command 'umask cause_error 2>nul'+'x("")->y() ' closes sh
CFS 27860 - the command 'export `echo "A=a\nB=b"`;echo A=$A;echo B=$B' gives the wrong output in sh
CFS 27870 - grep is slow to print output when reading from tail -f
CFS 27931 - dlg settext cannot display ö,ü,ä
CFS 27935 - the command 'NOEXIST="" print >$NOEXIST' crashes sh
CFS 27952 - mksinfo should print X/Server info
CFS 27953 - _APALIGN and _INTSIZEOF compiler warnings
CFS 27962 - mv gives a warning when moving a file from one partition to another
CFS 27969 - add support for Absoft 10
CFS 27971 - stdbool.h is missing
CFS 27992 - the command "export y=$(print "a b c"); print $y" causes an error in sh
CFS 28021 - open() not creating Japanese filenames
CFS 28037 - the command "user@host cat < file" hangs rsh with files > 3KB
CFS 28043 - units reference page says "to cm^3/" instead of "to cm^3."
CFS 28054 - ZF-COE leaves Datafocus registry entry behind
CFS 28065 - Control Panel applet does not save client side SSH debug settings
CFS 28076 - vi search with more than one special character fails
CFS 28100 - cat japanese.txt | grep âïü' in sh displays no matches
CFS 28105 - failure to register with server in LSF environment
CFS 28106 - processes terminate after 5 minutes
CFS 28144 - shortcut doesn't work with UNC pathnames
CFS 28172 - tr isn’t able to convert characters higher than decimal 127
CFS 28178 - strptime() gives wrong results when run a second time
CFS 28204 - application gives an exception on Windows Server 2000
CFS 28246 - awk 'BEGIN { a=99.950000 ; printf "%.1f\n",a }' gives wrong output
CFS 28247 - lsacl needs a -R option
CFS 28262 - umount fails on a network drive that is no longer available
CFS 28296 - add sleep() function to cc language
CFS 28324 - long lines cause sort to hang
CFS 1018246 - who does not display all currently logged on users
Problèmes résolus par le Patch 5 de la Version 9.0
Patch5 Télécharger (77,6 Mo) - 32-bit uniquement
Patch5 Télécharger (258 Mo) - 32-bit et 64-bit
  CFS 24908 - yacc seg faults when used outside NuTC environment
CFS 26509 - problem with awk scripts and Japanese characters
CFS 26664 - simultaneous rcp connections hanging
CFS 27308 - sh seg faults the second time a script is sourced
CFS 27420 - awk's sprintf format incorrect
CFS 27421 - web seg faults on various URL's
CFS 27470 - ls -lh reporting incorrect file size
CFS 27476 - ssh control panel applet authentication problem
CFS 27482 - ps -S reporting "RPC failed: the array bounds are invalid"
CFS 27493 - man incorrectly searching $ROOTDIR/etc before MANPATH
CFS 27503 - NuTC inttypes.h does not include stdint.h
CFS 27534 - problem with backspace when the CTRLD flag is set and no editing mode is on
CFS 27538 - ls hangs on a UNC path
CFS 27545 - structured exception handling not working in child process after fork
CFS 27549 - unpack progress bar for 64-bit patch displays while files are being unpacked "per file" (changed behavior)
CFS 27562 - rm -q fails to suppress messages
CFS 27566 - web redirect authentication problem (does not detect EOF)
CFS 27583 - malloc not returning memory that is 16-byte aligned for 64-bit platforms
CFS 27602 - MKSARGS format change incompatible with MKS ALM products
CFS 27612 - multiple system()calls in forked child causes NuTC to lockup
CFS 27640 - sftp -b hangs at exit command
CFS 27644 - ssh-add -l authentication problem
CFS 27645 - smtpmail sends email twice
CFS 27653 - sh hangs when pipeline processes finish quickly
CFS 27666 - problem with read() and fifo's between two processes (incorrect return code for read())
CFS 27693 - repeated calls to popen() or exec() will eventually lock up, especially in multithreaded environment
CFS 27743 - AF_UNIX provider not registering on x64 bit machine
CFS 27809 - secshd authentication process slow
CFS 27822 - inability to input Russian Cyrillic characters from the keyboard
CFS 27823 - fork() failure after dlopen()on 64-bit
Problèmes résolus par le Patch 4 de la Version 9.0
Patch4 Télécharger (65,3 Mo) - 32-bit uniquement
Patch4 Télécharger (221 Mo) - 32-bit et 64-bit
  CFS 23020 - groupinfo needs support for built-in groups such as EVERYONE and NETWORK
CFS 23340 - when cp -p fails it should fallback on the -m behavior
CFS 24843 - vi and viw give a "file exists" warning when writing to a new filename
CFS 25352 - gvar truncates variable contents at 255 characters
CFS 25360 - su fails if it can't read the temp directory
CFS 25738 - find fails with a "data area passed to a system call is too small" error
CFS 25918 - awk does not support the printf format control for the thousands separator
CFS 25941 - Alt-A in viw sometimes sends the highlighting past the end of the buffer
CFS 26653 - sh fails when calling .cmd files from scripts with long path names
CFS 26708 - stderr is silent for the built-in version of stty
CFS 26714 - add support for standards-based authentication mechanisms to mail and web utilities
CFS 26786 - viw paints its window incorrectly when the native variable is set
CFS 26856 - F10 does not work correctly in a viw Visual Studio plug-in debug session
CFS 26876 - the awk match() function is broken for non-ASCII input
CFS 26901 - viw Visual Studio plug-in has breakpoint painting issues
CFS 26903 - need support for new Visual Studio 2005 linker options
CFS 26904 - some debugging statements have been left in compiler.ccg
CFS 26940 - man -H does not work with Firefox
CFS 26977 - cxx when used with Visual Studio 2005 can produce an executable that seg faults
CFS 26994 - shell tab complete of environment variables no longer works
CFS 27067 - OE is missing xterm and kterm
CFS 27069 - script does not work interactively
CFS 27098 - XmGetPixmap() has display problems with multiple screens
CFS 27100 - cp fails when copying sparse files from SAMBA shares
CFS 27103 - GP faults in IA64 shell on dual processor machine
CFS 27126 - Ctrl-O does not open files properly in viw Visual Studio plug-in
CFS 27200 - ln -s can create bad links if one of the paths has a trailing slash
CFS 27201 - echo needs an option to treat escape sequences as normal text
CFS 27202 - hashbang should not search the path if the interpreter is not found
CFS 27211 - env exits with Ctrl-C and leaves the child running
CFS 27212 - some escape sequences cause expect to freeze
CFS 27214 - expect gives "write() failed to write anything - will sleep(1) and retry" errors
CFS 27229 - bash needs support for the HISTCONTROL environment variable
CFS 27231 - shell tab complete on incomplete variable name gives a file listing
CFS 27245 - silent uninstall causes ZoneAlarm popup
CFS 27252 - bash needs support for getline() line editing
CFS 27266 - vi and viw have screen corruption after the ^M
CFS 27278 - su fails with the error "could not find a valid temp directory"
CFS 27302 - Please add a ftp client to MKS Toolkit for use with expect
CFS 27303 - Please add a telnet client to MKS Toolkit for use with expect
CFS 27318 - bsdftp gives an error on files larger than 2GB
CFS 27321 - pending loops on rename actions that are missing the overwrite flag
CFS 27324 - sh fails when the stdout and stderr handles are set to 0 instead of INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE
CFS 27326 - rsh should use Ctrl-D as EOF when input is from the console
CFS 27327 - csh should use CTRL-D as EOF when completing filenames
CFS 27332 - wpaste doesn't support TK_STDIO_DEFAULT_OUTPUT_FORMAT
CFS 27333 - wcopy doesn't support TK_STDIO_DEFAULT_INPUT_FORMAT
CFS 27334 - wcopy should use CTRL-D as EOF when input is from the console
CFS 27350 - EOF at start of line doesn't try to exit when csh is in filec mode
CFS 27351 - if EOF is the first thing that is typed in csh it is ignored
CFS 27387 - Add "-f " options to viw open and save dialogs
CFS 27444 - man's whatis error is missing a space
CFS 27452 - gp fault occurs in sh when PATHEXT contains extensions longer than 3 characters
CFS 27480 - sid fails to parse some security identifiers
Problèmes résolus par le Patch 3 de la Version 9.0
Patch3 Télécharger (65,3 Mo) - 32-bit uniquement
Patch3 Télécharger (221 Mo) - 32-bit et 64-bit
  CFS 25797 - single quotes are a problem in single line comments with cpp
CFS 26003 - viw's menu should say "Alt+X" not "alt-X"
CFS 26014 - df does not understand mount points
CFS 26166 - crash in viw
CFS 26221 - ps man page should state that arguments are not shown in some case
CFS 26327 - viw plug-in for Visual Studio .NET does not work in the debugger
CFS 26600 - write() to socket results in undocumented errno
CFS 26607 - sftp fails on large files (> 2 GB)
CFS 26649 - awk treating hex chars as UTF-8 and converting them
CFS 26729 - viw problems with File/Save and undo
CFS 26730 - ssh connection terminating immediately after login on 64 bit machines
CFS 26758 - filebox corrupts URL
CFS 26759 - unzip does not handle é in file names contained in the archive
CFS 26769 - su fails under Windows NT 4.0
CFS 26801 - some minor issues with gpending
CFS 26815 - perl script with wrong architecture
CFS 26816 - perl GP faults on AMD64
CFS 26820 - perl security alert
CFS 26836 - vi and viw have line wrapping problems when line length is equal to screen width
CFS 26839 - phantom breakpoints are seen in the viw Visual Studio plug-in
CFS 26855 - viw Visual Studio plug-in has an extra line that shows at the bottom of the text
CFS 26873 - second call to system() blocks program execution
CFS 26896 - viw Visual Studio plug-in command window disappears
CFS 26897 - viw Visual Studio plug-in commands stop functioning
CFS 26899 - viw Visual Studio plug-in has extra lines at the bottom as well as painting problems
CFS 26902 - viw Visual Studio plug-in has communication issues with IDE
CFS 26905 - appwizard will not allow redist of some components with connectivity license
CFS 26909 - sh GP faults when calling internal rm on a read-only file
CFS 26923 - please add an expect interpreter to MKS Toolkit
CFS 26953 - 'sysinf windows -a' strips accented characters
CFS 26967 - small glitch in viw's UI
CFS 26989 - 'sysinf memory -v' shows the wrong amount of memory
CFS 27054 - very large scripts can cause a GP fault in sh
CFS 1008500 - please add the script command to MKS Toolkit
Problèmes résolus par le Patch 2 de la Version 9.0
Patch2 Télécharger (38,1 Mo)
  CFS 21047 - LIMITS section of awk reference page is out of date
CFS 22885 - chacl -x user does not remove the ACE when file permissions are inherited
CFS 22966 - rlogind does not recognize localhosts in .rhost file
CFS 23730 - diff should have a larger line length limitation
CFS 24193 - csh becomes slow after applying Microsoft security patch
CFS 24502 - install fails to set attributes on network target
CFS 24529 - strip removes digital certificate from signed executables
CFS 24565 - release notes aren't staged when silently creating an admin image
CFS 24593 - Visual SFTP needs "shell from here" option
CFS 24704 - problem with [[ in shell scripts
CFS 24758 - tar does not detect that the underlying file system does not support links
CFS 24867 - sh has cursor on wrong line after window is resized
CFS 24907 - eventlog needs an option to compare only the lower word of EventID
CFS 24982 - pending needs an option to list operations without prompting
CFS 25076 - rshd failing under high loads
CFS 25153 - need an option to disable the telnet service
CFS 25383 - df and du need -h options
CFS 25390 - the registry -3 and -6 options are missing from the reference page
CFS 25488 - Motif 2.1 buttons are not mutually exclusive
CFS 25557 - csh does not write CRLF with inline cat
CFS 25602 - silent patch install doesn't update the registry
CFS 25627 - deadlock in msgrcv() when using hyper-threading on Windows XP SP2
CFS 25656 - rcp runs into issues after many connections
CFS 25657 - rsh runs into issues after many connections
CFS 25692 - poor realloc() performance
CFS 25795 - appc program function broken
CFS 25825 - rsh fails when run by the SYSTEM account
CFS 25854 - Ctrl-C/Break still doesn't break all scripts
CFS 25889 - join needs a -i option
CFS 25892 - strings example is antiquated
CFS 25899 - cc -E reports "cat: ... file not found" if compile has errors
CFS 25901 - strings fails on ported graphics DLL
CFS 25905 - grep - is broken
CFS 25907 - sh no longer uses PATHEXT
CFS 25912 - perl Win32::Process doesn't let sub-processes inherit the environment of the parent process
CFS 25946 - OEM package is missing some binaries
CFS 25993 - history within sh scripts has changed
CFS 25996 - Ctrl-Break doesn't stop sh scripts properly in some cases
CFS 26010 - diff tagging identical event ids as different
CFS 26020 - mount should display the drive label as shown in explorer
CFS 26061 - cc error: The CCG environment variable should point to a directory
CFS 26062 - assoc should not succeed if no association is found
CFS 26064 - sysinf drives does not show CF-card in PCMCIA adapter
CFS 26074 - Ctrl-Break in sh interrupts pipelines in the background
CFS 26097 - copy in viw broken under Windows ME
CFS 26099 - sh runs script in current directory when current directory not in PATH
CFS 26100 - entry by decimal character code no longer possible in viw
CFS 26102 - vi/viw documentation issues
CFS 26107 - viw video performance slightly sluggish
CFS 26148 - filebox -V ignores the -d option
CFS 26149 - filebox needs support for BIF_EDITBOX
CFS 26151 - can't paste into the viw ex command window with alt-v
CFS 26157 - configuring viw as the Visual Studio editor is only possible for admin
CFS 26164 - viw video performance is slow with partially occluded window
CFS 26173 - mkszip seg faults if renamed
CFS 26192 - all viw dialogs need to be Unicode
CFS 26212 - filebox -m does not allow selection of multiple files
CFS 26216 - registry needs support for expandable strings
CFS 26219 - iconv should give better error messages
CFS 26224 - tar xfN a.tar b gives MKS_ACL script errors for files not extracted
CFS 26225 - tar -N extracts files that the owner cannot access
CFS 26228 - rcp requests create orphan processes
CFS 26232 - mount gives error for network drives on 64-bit machines
CFS 26241 - viw File->Save or :w! doesn't use right format
CFS 26247 - zip is failing with a segmentation violation
CFS 26251 - hitting Ctrl-C in more yields a scrambled screen
CFS 26252 - empty variables expand to "" inside of [[ ]]
CFS 26254 - viw's replace Y/N/Cancel dialog is empty
CFS 26257 - man pages for samples need an AVAILABILITY section
CFS 26259 - Alt-O to access the viw Options menu opens the OpenFile dialog
CFS 26266 - perl -S is broken
CFS 26268 - web no longer works on ftp URLs
CFS 26270 - cshrc file not read at startup
CFS 26275 - vi/viw copy to clipboard contains garbage under Windows ME
CFS 26276 - perl has argv processing problem
CFS 26277 - secure shell authentication problem on active directory based Windows 2003 server
CFS 26279 - error in perl.viw reported when opening a .pl file
CFS 26284 - tail -U gives garbage
CFS 26295 - egrep gives backtrack stack overflow error
CFS 26298 - perl dbmopen() fails on second file
CFS 26299 - NuTCRACKER service may stop while NuTC apps are still running
CFS 26306 - wpaste -f results in endless loop
CFS 26309 - test fails on subdirectories
CFS 26318 - two threads competing to _exit() cause some races
CFS 26320 - "long long" fails on VC 6
CFS 26322 - viw mapping/abbreviation problems with multibyte chars
CFS 26326 - halt -l fails on Windows Server 2003 for non-admin users
CFS 26328 - registry needs support for UTF-8
CFS 26329 - the registry reference page needs an updated description of -v
CFS 26335 - vi is slow updating the screen
CFS 26357 - "." in vi/viw to repeat the last things added to a file fails
CFS 26358 - two instances of a perl program appear to be running
CFS 26359 - vi incorrectly handles path separator character
CFS 26366 - OE install wizard skips license agreement dialog
CFS 26371 - ghist fails with dialog error
CFS 26378 - backrev should give usage message if no argument is given
CFS 26379 - perl converts forward slashes to backslashes
CFS 26386 - awk uses "," instead of "." as decimal separator
CFS 26394 - running #!perl -P -S leaves a .c file in current working dir
CFS 26397 - stty reference page has bad link
CFS 26400 - awk length function wrong with German umlaut
CFS 26417 - swscanf() fails to parse an integer
CFS 26428 - service drops the last argument passed to a service
CFS 26449 - bash is not listed in the Deployment Wizard listing for PU or DU
CFS 26453 - tempnam() and mkstemp() reuse temp
CFS 26456 - csh does not load cshrc.csh
CFS 26462 - Japanese fall back resource is getting registered as 2 byte char
CFS 26466 - ps output truncated when started via the start menu
CFS 26476 - extended ASCII chars in files cause problems with spell
CFS 26483 - unzip will not handle é in file names
CFS 26490 - environment incorrectly sorted by env
CFS 26496 - viw needs IME support
CFS 26514 - X application does not display fonts for English (UK) locale
CFS 26515 - windir usage string does not mention -f
CFS 26517 - ps sluggish when connected to the network
CFS 26520 - rexecd hangs if file size larger than 20 kb
CFS 26521 - sh filename completion does not escape $ and =
CFS 26532 - need a way to specify the default mailhost for smtpmail
CFS 26533 - mksrv trashes service arguments
CFS 26556 - reset command does not exist
CFS 26578 - csh fails to source cshrc.csh at startup
CFS 26579 - backslashes in variables lost in csh command substitutions
CFS 26588 - viw syntax coloring error with quoted string
CFS 26607 - Visual SFTP fails with very large files
CFS 26630 - questionable use of /Z7 in compiler.ccg
CFS 26643 - csh HASHBANG doesn't work with UNIX pathnames
CFS 26672 - installer ought not to default to a shared cluster disk for TKROOTDIR
CFS 26725 - csh script1 calling script2 can remain 'stuck' in script1
Problèmes résolus par le Patch 1 de la Version 9.0
Patch1 Télécharger (5,4 Mo)
  CFS 26136 - viw saves an ex.rc that it cannot read
CFS 26138 - perl takes a SIGBUS on IA64
CFS 26139 - right click and paste into vi very slow
CFS 26140 - Visual SFTP logon dialog times out
CFS 26141 - utilities need to restore original codepage when they exit
CFS 26156 - ZZ causes the Visual Studio viw addin to open an "MKS Notice" popup
CFS 26159 - viw does not render Unicode
CFS 26160 - ps is broken on 64-bit machines
CFS 26198 - sh should use wide read where appropriate
CFS 26111 - sh gives "bad file descriptor 3" error
CFS 26121 - 64-bit redist problems with TKPDev and TKEDev
CFS 26122 - csh, bash and sh shortcuts give ctl3d32 error on 64-bit machines
CFS 26126 - csh defaults to UTF-8 for command substitutions
CFS 26001 - cp gives "Cannot reset uid or gid on file" errors
Problèmes résolus par la Version 9.0
  CFS 17551 - perl sample does not compile
CFS 19169 - vi and viw need Unicode support
CFS 19391 - PATH_MAX is limited to maintain NT3.1 compatibility
CFS 19659 - need a utility that can run a program or script as a service
CFS 20288 - msgbox has problems with german umlauts
CFS 20877 - unable to get perl to not escape quotes
CFS 21456 - the output of shortcut should include the shortcut type
CFS 21798 - test -f and -c return wrong exit status for /dev/null
CFS 22088 - windir needs an option to display full paths
CFS 22386 - vi re-executes the previous command instead of the new one
CFS 22423 - msgbox on XP doesn't use new UI style
CFS 22462 - need wide character stdio support
CFS 22468 - 'ps -ef' doesn't show usernames
CFS 22556 - some services still running after uninstall
CFS 22908 - need a utility to place the PC in power saving mode
CFS 22916 - sh should always redraw every line of the prompt
CFS 22944 - vi and viw abbreviations don't expand in ex mode
CFS 22945 - sh tab completion should show matches in better format
CFS 22948 - viw documentation should be clearer about the character set that's used
CFS 23010 - the file utility should support Unicode strings
CFS 23019 - makedepend does not revert defines when processing multiple source files
CFS 23045 - /dev/tty should be mapped to CON instead of CONIN$
CFS 23059 - sh needs command-line tab variable expansion
CFS 23062 - printf doesn't handle %u properly
CFS 23063 - error message reports incorrect range for printf %d
CFS 23066 - printf limits should be documented
CFS 23068 - id fails with "invalid user name" when TK_NTSECURITYINFO_OFF is set
CFS 23075 - shortcut should check if the link's target exists
CFS 23081 - smtpmail needs a "-F fullname" option
CFS 23084 - pwd needs an option to display the current dir of a given drive
CFS 23095 - can't install runtime after demo has been installed
CFS 23107 - description of the sendmail variable needs clarification in the mailx reference page
CFS 23120 - the vi reference page needs a note about %s
CFS 23122 - touch and rm have minor issues with /dev/null
CFS 23184 - sh has issues with filename completion in current directory
CFS 23237 - all of the samples should be handled in the same way
CFS 23271 - OE installer should detect existing perl install
CFS 23297 - env uses a different algorithm for locating executables than sh does
CFS 23342 - cmd.exe filename completion prevents globbing
CFS 23351 - mailx unable to generate dead.let when there is a space in the home dir
CFS 23428 - installer ignores HOME if it's set differently than $HOMEDRIVE/$HOMEPATH
CFS 23470 - filename containing french chars not displayed correctly in viw title bar
CFS 23515 - sh man page suggests that Toolkit includes an fg command
CFS 23539 - the first line of output from 'pop3mail index' is undocumented
CFS 23547 - vi tags key is documented as CTRL-\], not CTRL-]
CFS 23570 - ssh reference pages mention $USERPROFILE/.ssh/config instead of the registry
CFS 23599 - windir outputs in the wrong codepage
CFS 23650 - pop3mail manpage doesn't state whether or not message numbers change when deleting
CFS 23705 - cp synopsis is missing the -S option
CFS 23867 - it should not be possible to compile wintif and link motif or vice versa
CFS 24029 - rexecd not picking up the correct SHELL variable
CFS 24030 - diff gives misleading error message
CFS 24060 - wait does not work as documented when PID is unknown
CFS 24071 - POSIX.4 timers missing
CFS 24238 - file associations are needed for viw
CFS 24248 - cp does not return an error when directory does not exist
CFS 24284 - need support for FIONREAD
CFS 24352 - perl should be updated to version 5.8
CFS 24354 - chacl doesn't work if filename contains accented characters
CFS 24393 - csh backticks not working with printf
CFS 24420 - cat should display OEM glyphs by default
CFS 24450 - need a mktemp utility
CFS 24489 - error from newhist.ksh when HOME is not set
CFS 24498 - vi reference page does not mention obsolete set option variables
CFS 24530 - viw does not write to a file after permissions are changed to read-write
CFS 24538 - sh memory error
CFS 24563 - redundant statement in the ln man page regarding hard links
CFS 24587 - Visual SFTP needs a way to drag and drop folders
CFS 24681 - tar man page should mention file and archive size limits
CFS 24710 - recently opened files are no longer second last entry in the viw file menu
CFS 24731 - sftp connection not closing properly
CFS 24742 - unable to upload big files via Visual SFTP
CFS 24755 - Automatic Command Run bootup option should be named logon
CFS 24800 - archive utilities have issues with multipart files
CFS 24808 - sh should look for "path" if "PATH" or "Path" are not found
CFS 24850 - spelling mistake in the kill reference page
CFS 24872 - non-ASCII character causes sh to echo newlines
CFS 24873 - vi, viw and sh need Unicode support
CFS 25047 - echo needs -E -e -n options for bash compatibility
CFS 25094 - psproxy has no man page
CFS 25113 - path problems on the ClearCase MVFS filesystem
CFS 25215 - TK_NTSECURITYINFO_OFF=1 causes cp to report an error
CFS 25217 - "cat con" skips first character on stdin
CFS 25231 - docs do not mention the signals that are supported by kill()
CFS 25287 - ctime fails if time zone is set to GMT+1
CFS 25292 - sh needs variable expansion
CFS 25323 - man needs a -H option to display HTML pages
CFS 25367 - cal and date only display the English names for days and months
CFS 25376 - would like "manstrip [file]" supported
CFS 25390 - the registry '-3' and '-6' options are not documented
CFS 25436 - openssl sha1 gives incorrect output value if input is from STDIN
CFS 25477 - which needs support for a "-p path" option
CFS 25543 - file needs support for Unicode and UTF-8 text files
CFS 25558 - tar stores 8 bit chars as OEM
CFS 25568 - performance issues on Hyper-Threaded CPUs
CFS 25726 - delay issues with socket connections
CFS 25852 - cancel/join of a thread blocked in select() halts the program
CFS 25863 - "date -u" sets the date to GMT
CFS 25886 - mkszip generating exception with a 8+ GB file
CFS 25962 - ls incorrectly calculates the width of double-byte characters
CFS 1012145 - viw help contents should be available in a reference page
CFS 1012430 - shortcut doesn't recognize accent chars in directory names
CFS 1013320 - shortcut cannot start a minimized window
CFS 1015383 - "sleep 1000 & ; kill %1" doesn't kill the sleep
CFS 1018436 - the current VIW font only includes ASCII characters
Information spéciale:
Récemment, Microsoft a mis à jour le service pack 2 pour la famille de systèmes d'exploitation Windows XP. Il y a de GROSSES modifications dans ce patch qui est principalement centré sur la sécurité. Il y a de grande chance que vous entendiez parler d'incompatibilités entre XP SP2 et les anciennes versions des produits MKS Toolkit.

Les seules versions supportées de MKS Toolkit pour Windows XP SP2 sont les versions 8.6 avec patch 3 ou 8.7 avec les patches 2, 3 et 4. Aucune autre version de nos logiciels n'est certifiée pour cette configuration.
Problèmes résolus par le Patch 5 de la Version 8.7
Patch5 Télécharger (51 Mo) - 32 bit uniquement
Patch5 Télécharger (169 Mo) - 32-bit et 64-bit
  CFS 21269 - Ctrl-C closes the shell Window
CFS 22966 - rlogind does not recognize localhosts in .rhost file
CFS 23329 - problems with Ctrl-C while running scripts
CFS 24565 - the release notes are not staged when silently creating an admin image
CFS 24704 - problem with [[ in shell scripts
CFS 24758 - tar does not detect that the underlying file system does not support links
CFS 24867 - sh has cursor on wrong line after window is resized
CFS 24907 - eventlog needs an option to compare only the lower word of EventID
CFS 25076 - rshd failing under high loads
CFS 25153 - connectivity suite needs more configuration options
CFS 25488 - Motif 2.1 buttons are not mutually exclusive
CFS 25602 - silent patch install doesn't update the registry
CFS 25627 - deadlock in msgrcv() when using hyper-threading on Windows XP SP2
CFS 25692 - poor realloc() performance
CFS 25825 - rsh fails when run by the SYSTEM account
CFS 25854 - Ctrl-C doesn't break all scripts
CFS 25905 - grep "-" is broken
CFS 25907 - sh no longer uses PATHEXT
CFS 25996 - Ctrl-Break doesn't stop sh scripts properly in some cases
CFS 26074 - Ctrl-Break in sh interrupts pipelines in the background
CFS 26111 - sh gives "bad file descriptor 3" error
CFS 26217 - rexecd and rshd fail to run with OE license
CFS 26318 - two threads competing to _exit() cause some races
CFS 26338 - sh handles double quotes differently than with previous releases
CFS 26366 - OE install wizard skips license agreement dialog
CFS 26394 - running #!perl -P -S leaves a .c file in current working dir
CFS 26439 - cannot set up a certificate authority with openssl
CFS 26449 - bash is not listed in the Deployment Wizard listing for PU or DU
CFS 26514 - X application does not display fonts for English (UK) locale
CFS 26520 - rexecd hangs if file size larger than 20 kb
CFS 26653 - sh has problems calling .cmd files from scripts with long path names
CFS 26656 - mnemonics not working in X applications when caps-lock is on
CFS 26672 - installer ought not to default to a shared cluster disk for TKROOTDIR
CFS 27054 - very large scripts can cause a GP fault in sh
Problèmes résolus par le Patch 4 de la Version 8.7
Patch4 Télécharger (24,7 Mo)
  CFS 20306 - failure in strftime() on Japanese Windows NT
CFS 22306 - crypt() is incompatible with earlier versions
CFS 23934 - control sequence does not highlight string in xterm
CFS 24439 - initialization of descriptor not available in subshells
CFS 24510 - blinking cursor disappears from interactive shells
CFS 24643 - would like support for pread() and pwrite()
CFS 24819 - whence, whereis and which output filename extensions in lowercase
CFS 24832 - shell script fails with invalid handle error on Windows 2003
CFS 24867 - sh has cursor on wrong line after window is resized
CFS 25031 - file descriptor problem in system() launched children
CFS 25105 - would like md5sum added to Toolkit
CFS 25120 - stat() fails on multisession CDs
CFS 25169 - mv fails with access denied errors on mapped drives
CFS 25204 - sh seg faults on IA64 machines when executed remotely
CFS 25216 - sh does not return error code from RHS of pipe
CFS 25234 - child fails with "Failed to setup Fmap" dialog
CFS 25298 - recv() fails with ECONNRESET on a UDP socket
CFS 25301 - behavior of the csh foreach statement has changed
CFS 25319 - need support for hard coded UNIX paths in makefiles
CFS 25354 - fork() failures under Windows 2003
CFS 25361 - remote utilities only work with developer utilities
CFS 25392 - 64-bit sh fails with memory allocation error
CFS 25398 - ls and dir hang in sftp sessions
CFS 25429 - grep -l and -L no longer work as expected
CFS 25434 - sh should let VirtualAlloc() find a location for its heap
CFS 25450 - redistributing PU and Connectivity has missing mksauth
CFS 25451 - mksauth is not being distributed with Connectivity Suite
CFS 25486 - console server fails to run on Win9x/me
CFS 25492 - ESC must be pressed twice in telnet sessions
CFS 25545 - problem with the multi-platform clean logic in the imake rules
CFS 25566 - behavior of the csh switch statement has changed
CFS 25673 - executables called from shell script in telnet session abort randomly
Problèmes résolus par le Patch 3 de la Version 8.7
Patch3 Télécharger (16,3 Mo)
  CFS 19679 - groff gives "numeric expression expected" warning
CFS 23408 - cpio gives 'newer' warning when last-modified timestamps are identical
CFS 24297 - csh has a 255 character limit on word size
CFS 24321 - sort fails on files that contain null characters
CFS 24607 - strip fails to remove GCC debug information from an executable
CFS 24669 - the userinfo "Expires" field is misleading
CFS 24686 - cdate -f returns garbage when hours and minute are not specified
CFS 24687 - ctime cannot handle the value 2808242220 unless -g is specified
CFS 24734 - installer should be clearer about VC requirement being 32-bit specific
CFS 24785 - OE does not upgrade correctly
CFS 24799 - uncompress, zcat, and other archive utilities cannot handle multi-part gzip files
CFS 24803 - pax and cpio need support for bzip2
CFS 24813 - tar gives spurious error message when attempting to open non-compressed file
CFS 24835 - client consumes all the CPU time when Exceed server crashes
CFS 24871 - rshd and rexecd do not recognize bash
CFS 24875 - df -k gives error for vacant Sony memory stick port
CFS 24932 - pipe problem with popen() when cmd is used as the command interpreter
CFS 24947 - runtime error in glGenTextures() OpenGL call
CFS 24960 - unzip does not support compression method 12
CFS 24961 - incorrect ncf90 option "-N116" being passed to Absoft
CFS 24969 - ncf90 passing unsupported flag -N116 to the Fortan 90 compiler
CFS 24977 - ssh has problem enumerating groups
CFS 25000 - ncf77 and ncf90 need a -I option
CFS 25005 - xterm crashes when using the Spanish locale
CFS 25008 - memory leak in sh
CFS 25053 - eventlog hangs on corrupted entries
CFS 25056 - cannot reload Dlls at the same address in the child as in the parent
CFS 25060 - memory leak with applications using Unix Domain sockets
CFS 25061 - unexpected eXtensible file type error causes the process to die
CFS 25062 - heap copy problems with fork()
CFS 25063 - sort is missing the -T option
CFS 25072 - read on /dev/null returns EOF when it should return 0
CFS 25082 - eventlog -o offset checks local instead of backed up logfiles
CFS 25093 - several binaries are flagged as "internal build"
CFS 25097 - missing API strerror_r
CFS 25143 - __int64 is not handled correctly when iostreams is linked with NuTCRACKER
CFS 25167 - "cat: write error on standard output" error occurs in telnet session
Problèmes résolus par le Patch 2 de la Version 8.7
Patch2 Télécharger (9,98 Mo)
  CFS 21269 - Ctrl-C closes ksh window
CFS 23040 - Ctrl-C doesn't kill an sh script started by exec
CFS 23118 - sh fails to source /dev/null
CFS 23329 - hitting Ctrl-C or Ctrl-Break in sh does not fully break an executing script
CFS 23963 - explicit make rule for .c.o ignored
CFS 24045 - sh doesn't always handle single quotes properly
CFS 24229 - pipe problem with popen() when cmd is used as the command interpreter
CFS 24311 - SRV_MAIN_FUNCTION has no return status
CFS 24431 - dircmp gives exit status of 4 with binary files
CFS 24465 - sh seg faults with a large cmd line
CFS 24484 - would like "Add a connection" entry in Visual SFTP window
CFS 24495 - having the viw scrollbar move with every vertical change is distracting
CFS 24496 - text is still inserted after a blank line in viw
CFS 24497 - map Alt-O, Alt-S, and Alt-P to Open, Save, and Print in viw
CFS 24500 - netnews needs a blank line in the post file
CFS 24521 - stty -echo in a script does not work when sh is in vi mode
CFS 24522 - tar needs a -j option
CFS 24553 - sh should set the return code to 125 when read errors occurs
CFS 24562 - add HTML to/from text extensions to perl
CFS 24566 - can't change back to default viw font
CFS 24567 - stderr shares the message line when filtering the buffer in vi
CFS 24580 - msize() function is missing
CFS 24598 - "sleep 100 & ; sleep 2; kill %1" and "sleep 100 |&; sleep 2; kill %1" fail in sh
CFS 24644 - wpaste fails silently when the clipboard contains large amounts of text
CFS 24656 - cw32_supp is missing entry points and cw64_supp.lib is missing
CFS 24670 - fgrep seg faults on binary file

MKS Toolkit v8.7 Patch 2 also includes all issues addressed by MKS Toolkit v8.6 Patch 3
Problèmes résolus par le Patch 1 de la Version 8.7
Patch1 Télécharger (2,4 Mo)
  CFS 18977 - Technical Support button should be moved from the viw about box
CFS 19759 - viw produces unusable print output
CFS 20509 - viw hangs when filtering the buffer through a shell escape that contains a pipe
CFS 21438 - CTRL-Z behavior in viw should be better documented
CFS 21464 - viw does not remove hourglass after :%!
"CFS 21517 - add a true ""insert at cursor"" feature to viw"
CFS 22562 - viw does not display filenames correctly in the window title
CFS 22688 - getting warning: locale not supported by Xlib, locale set to C
CFS 22730 - add a fping command
CFS 22882 - mount cannot display mount points without associated drive letters
CFS 23085 - -L and -P options are missing from the pwd man page
CFS 23121 - ex -s option doesn't work properly
CFS 23437 - service does not understand the long form of service names
CFS 23519 - smtpmail -s omits seconds from Date: field
CFS 23668 - stty -echo not working
CFS 23750 - add wordexp() and wordfreeexp() APIs
CFS 23835 - accept(), socket() and open() return with the error Bad File Number
CFS 23921 - blinking cursor disappears from shell session
CFS 23942 - printf() format conversion bug with floating point
CFS 23946 - printf() format conversion bug with floating point
CFS 23954 - installer should have SNMP utilities as a separate feature
CFS 23958 - cp and mv segfault while using DiskAccess software
"CFS 23967 - ""cat largefile.txt | head"" hangs in csh"
CFS 23979 - perl TieRegistry() doesn't understand 64-bit registry
CFS 24006 - grep -l is not returning values where there are matches
CFS 24063 - add POSIX.4 semaphores
CFS 24066 - add Unix 03 pthread_barriers
CFS 24067 - add Unix 03 spinlocks
CFS 24068 - add POSIX.4 signal handling
CFS 24069 - unistd(), limits(), sysconf(), and pathconf() not Unix 03 compliant
CFS 24072 - add POSX.4 message passing
CFS 24073 - add Unix 03 pthresd_rw locks
CFS 24074 - sh/ksh/bash need to be 64 bit native binaries on AMD and Itanium installs
CFS 24075 - add an ssh explorer extension
CFS 24076 - vi needs to interact with source code control
CFS 24077 - make needs to interact with source code control systems
CFS 24078 - add POSIX.4 memory (range) locking
CFS 24079 - add POSIX.4 shared memory APIs
CFS 24083 - add GCC support to NuTCRACKER
CFS 24103 - stat() always returns -1 for CDROM
CFS 24212 - taskrun can not run 16-bit commands when called by the MS Scheduler
CFS 24216 - sh no longer understands NuTC format paths
CFS 24253 - make needs support for $(shell shell_cmd) syntax
"CFS 24268 - ""echo hello | cat - foo.txt > bar.txt"" loses input from STDIN"
CFS 24285 - non-printable characters in man pages
CFS 24309 - ssh service needs a restart when configuration settings change
CFS 24361 - when using cxx against a .c file you need to specify -W/Tp
CFS 24365 - cc needs to pass cl errors through to be visible
CFS 24378 - add diff -B option for binary files
"CFS 24398 - lsacl doesn't indicate when an ACE has ""INHERITED_ACE"" set"
CFS 24407 - perl mkpath() not creating directories recursively
CFS 24428 - df doesn't show USB mass storage devices
CFS 24463 - l* family of math functions missing from NuTC/Tk Standard C library
CFS 24494 - command line is written to the viw window when filtering the buffer
CFS 24519 - getting 'Line too long' error when pasting into viw
CFS 24520 - clicking on viw title bar sets focus, next click should set cursor position
CFS 1005749 - viw should delete highlighted text if you hit the delete key
CFS 1007218 - viw doesn't cut and paste properly
CFS 1008469 - add a Select All menu item to viw
CFS 1009406 - viw should have option to open with a default window size
Problèmes résolus par la Version 8.7
  CFS 24624 - NuTCRACKER Deployment Wizard creates an unusable utility install
CFS 24626 - 32-bit TK(PE)Dev installer does not stage AMD and Itanium 64-bit sh.exe
Problèmes résolus par le Patch 3 de la Version 8.6
Patch3 Télécharger (18,9 Mo)
  CFS 22304 - pax and tar need support for signed checksums in tar archives
CFS 22737 - x=$(...) inside a sh function can return wrong results
CFS 23009 - suggested additions to $ROOTDIR/etc/magic
CFS 23047 - id and "id $(whomai)" give different output
CFS 23191 - bzcmp and bzdiff use missing tempfile utility
CFS 23724 - mkscgi gives an error page when bad expandable environment variables are found
CFS 23771 - popen() not multithread safe
CFS 23835 - accept(), socket() and open() return with the error Bad File Number
CFS 23902 - NuTC app fails silently when run in Terminal Server session
CFS 23966 - perl -S broken when used in HASHBANG line
CFS 24021 - join gives erratic behavior if the second file is '-'
CFS 24173 - recv() always returns 0 and doesn't recognize the other side is gone
CFS 24271 - gunzip needs support for multipart files
CFS 24340 - open() and open64() fail with errno set to 22
CFS 24359 - ps truncates PIDs that require more than 6 digits to display
CFS 24445 - csh requires quotes around the names of variables whose values include spaces
CFS 24456 - cpp no longer allows C++ style comments on the end of #if statements
CFS 24535 - su does not always work in a TS session
CFS 24554 - "Rename one Reboot" eval guide example is broken
CFS 24559 - installing an 8.6 OE over 8.7 live product on 64 bit machines fails
CFS 24564 - ar incorrectly returns 0 in some cases
CFS 24578 - smtpmail should fall back to HELO if EHLO isn't supported
CFS 24732 - Ctrl-C hangs gmake
CFS 24740 - stty is built into sh but isn't enabled
Problèmes résolus par le Patch 2 de la Version 8.6
Patch2 Télécharger (14,5 Mo)
  CFS 23561 - uncompress attempts to expand all files
CFS 23727 - math.h does not declare the C++ inline function implementations of the long double math routines
CFS 23953 - df fails on drives with 32-byte long volume labels
CFS 23955 - cc does not handle multiple .c files on the command line
CFS 24002 - fixed the start menu items for ssh, rsh and rlogin
CFS 24064 - customer would like to include lbxproxy with X Server
Problèmes résolus par le Patch 1 de la Version 8.6
Patch1 Télécharger (4,3 Mo)
  CFS 17807 - XtSetLanguageProc(NULL, NULL, NULL) causes unexpected results
CFS 21738 - at gives an error after running more than 2000 times
CFS 22410 - connrlogin/connrsh/connssh fail when installed in a path with a space
CFS 22420 - ctags does not detect enumeration members
CFS 22595 - tksched runs task scheduled for a weekday on the wrong day
CFS 22612 - mprotect on an mmaped page fails
CFS 22613 - Granchild stdhandles for FIOIFOS no longer passed properly
CFS 22621 - script fails with a SEGV on Windows 2000 Server with Terminal Services
CFS 22642 - noglob does not work correctly in csh
CFS 22743 - strtod() not setting errno to ERANGE in some cases
CFS 22976 - netnews should have an option that gives the same output as listgroup
CFS 23037 - calls to stat(), fstat() and access() fail with /dev/null
CFS 23046 - wts -l fails with tasks it cannot access
CFS 23049 - \n only moves the cursor to the next line (no LF) in telnet/rlogin/ssh
CFS 23051 - $ROOTDIR/etc/mibs/.index is updated every time a snmp util is run
CFS 23070 - shortcut should give better error about -f requiring full path
CFS 23073 - sh should be able to run a .lnk file
CFS 23080 - dosname gives error messages with \'s converted to /'s
CFS 23092 - cp -p fails on file/dir names that contain accented characters
CFS 23097 - pwd should return the actual current working directory instead of $PWD
CFS 23103 - the ugrep "Edit File" feature tries to open the wrong file
CFS 23115 - need support for realpath()
CFS 23139 - sh left in wrong mode after emacs is closed
CFS 23191 - bzcmp and bzdiff use missing tempfile utility
CFS 23192 - bzless needs a "less" utility
CFS 23220 - "Failed to synchronize with fork() child" error in event log
CFS 23221 - ar not detecting full disk
CFS 23240 - ps should give better error when "no matching process..." issue occurs
CFS 23269 - TK_SH_RHS_OF_PIPE_IN_CURRENT_SHELL may cause sh to hang
CFS 23278 - "who am i" does not work for non-admin users
CFS 23294 - cc does not build *.o
CFS 23296 - <=> in sh has new glitch in TK 8.6
CFS 23319 - passwd needs a -p option
CFS 23357 - installer should not look for a wininit.ini under NT/2K/XP/2K3
CFS 23371 - perl sample does not build - extensionless scripts not favoured over .sh
CFS 23430 - alias not getting exported to subshells
CFS 23478 - connrlogin unable to find connrlserver.list
CFS 23497 - ssh not generating the default mssshd user account
CFS 23498 - sh changes characters in PWD from lower to upper case
CFS 23500 - environ.ksh is not getting executed from a subshell
CFS 23506 - diff fails when piped to more
CFS 23512 - no longer sources cshrc.csh and login.csh
CFS 23521 - qsort() sorting back to front
CFS 23528 - "Check Updates" results in the message "Invalid Information"
CFS 23529 - "Check Updates" results can not be copied to the clipboard
CFS 23548 - domain -e tries to list non-domain items
CFS 23555 - "a=$(cat noexist 2> nul)" does not send error message to nul
CFS 23581 - problem accessing file on a Samba Server
CFS 23592 - open() fails on the special file NUL (dev/null)
CFS 23593 - the lockf() system call fails with a return value of (-1)
CFS 23613 - registry needs to access 64-bit registry entries
CFS 23618 - csh has problems with some versions of emacs
CFS 23623 - If TMPDIR not defined then sh uses the Windows directory as the temp dir
CFS 23625 - awk treats large integers in input incorrectly
CFS 23627 - psproxy fails when running on remote machines
CFS 23642 - open() causes a segmentation violation when compiled with ncf77
CFS 23647 - ld.ccg does not special case -ll and -ly for lex.lib and yacc.lib
CFS 23657 - sh/csh/ksh/bash will not run an executable that is not .exe name conforming
CFS 23658 - MAKEFLAGS are not POSIX conforming
CFS 23662 - sh has new behavior for IFS
CFS 23669 - "foo=`date -u`" causes sh to fail
CFS 23681 - fork() is core dumping
CFS 23689 - sh only reads ENV for interactive shells
CFS 23702 - produces binary output file with low value character
CFS 23707 - grep not waiting for EOF or buffer to be full
CFS 23736 - set -n should be ignored in interactive shells
CFS 23817 - unset does not unset special shell environment variables
CFS 1013093 - vpax shows invalid files sizes on French Windows 95
Problèmes résolus Version 8.6

CFS 11459 - a better explanation of how mathematical exceptions are treated needs to be added to the docs
CFS 14043 - math functions do not set errno properly
CFS 15220 - filename completion in sh does not fully support spaces in filenames
CFS 16051 - user-defined matherr() not working for NuTC apps
CFS 17309 - NuTC needs large file support (files larger than 2Gbytes)
CFS 18788 - pthread_join() call hanging
CFS 19280 - pressing a cursor or numeric keypad key causes tclsh to read stdin forever
CFS 19320 - help button on the Win9x/ME KornShell toolbar should use wstart
CFS 19434 - sh should have command completion similar to bash
CFS 19522 - sh case statements give inconsistent behavior
CFS 19539 - fgrep -l should lift any line-length limitations
CFS 19610 - sh has performance problems with large scripts
CFS 19643 - applications under $ROOTDIR\bin need icons
CFS 19657 - export START_TIME=`date` fails in ksh
CFS 20155 - documentation required for the tksched password entry dialog
CFS 20245 - registry -p produces the error "RegEnumKeyEx failed:"
CFS 20374 - ssh needs support for smartcards
CFS 20375 - ssh console service should tolerate horizontal scrollbars
CFS 20376 - ssh console service should support SIGWINCH
CFS 20389 - ssh should autostart X server when tunneling X
CFS 20447 - filename completion behaves incorrectly in xterm
CFS 20541 - rsetup needs the same level of error reporting as passwd
CFS 20603 - sh -n hangs with scripts containing a while statement
CFS 20607 - Installer does not handle pending file rename operations correctly
CFS 20614 - SHM_LOCK is mentioned in the man page but is not in the include directories
CFS 20620 - some services have problems starting in secure environments
CFS 20689 - viw crashes when using the Lucida Sans Typewriter font
CFS 20737 - dev fails with an error under Windows XP
CFS 20853 - signed.h and inttypes.h both typedef int8_t as different things
CFS 20946 - NCInfoDump.txt should include all ssh information
CFS 20966 - cp needs options to preserve files times and ACLs
CFS 21000 - it should be documented that ln is only supported on NTFS file systems
CFS 21007 - calling floor() causes a stack overflow
CFS 21062 - dbm_open() fails for existing database files
CFS 21139 - ESC-ESC in sh should function the same as ESC-\
CFS 21180 - $RANDOM is static when used in a shell function
CFS 21386 - mkszip gives a floating point exception with small files
CFS 21430 - Deployment Wizard should not copy customized shell start-up scripts
CFS 21453 - netnews needs an option that searches the message body
CFS 21476 - man -h should run in an independent window
CFS 21507 - web should send -v output to stderr
CFS 21513 - unzip should be updated to the latest release
CFS 21518 - the cdate man page doesn't mention the time zone used
CFS 21519 - the ctime man page doesn't state that the #secs is an offset from 1/1/1970
CFS 21520 - the cdate man page should note that the date range varies with the local time zone
CFS 21524 - sendevent gets the mouse positioning wrong with relative mouse movements
CFS 21526 - the which man page gives the wrong behavior for scripts
CFS 21527 - which gives non-standard behavior with scripts
CFS 21529 - double pipes in sh give "write error: on standard output: The pipe is being closed"
CFS 21551 - $LINENO has an incorrect value, sometimes even negative
CFS 21561 - spelling error in the winctrl man page
CFS 21562 - -b is listed twice in the sftp man page
CFS 21566 - pop3mail/imapmail should display the results of the STAT command
CFS 21567 - pop3mail/imapmail should be able to retrieve sets of messages
CFS 21568 - pop3mail/imapmail should be able to retrieve info on unread messages
CFS 21569 - pop3mail/imapmail/rexec may look for the wrong server name in .netrc
CFS 21648 - telnetd does not start in $HOME when $SHELL is set to cmd.exe
CFS 21649 - XVision installer fails when launched with TargetDir and CommonDir args
CFS 21671 - echo * gives incorrect behavior with PWD as //./C:/
CFS 21698 - X man page link in the Toolkit start menu is invalid
CFS 21705 - Windows Installer Service does not install silently
CFS 21731 - ls * fails with an error on directories with more than 25000 files
CFS 21735 - time gives different behavior depending on the shell mode
CFS 21781 - unzip -Z (zipinfo) has no documentation
CFS 21801 - cc -E should not run the linker
CFS 21802 - $PWD may be wrong in MKS KSH Here shells
CFS 21806 - "ksh -c script" runs the script in POSIX mode
CFS 21837 - sh scripts occasionally hang at piped commands
CFS 21846 - perl Net::DNS module can't find the domain name server
CFS 21865 - gps.ksh fails while adding processes to the command list
CFS 21912 - utilities need large file support
CFS 21915 - performance problem occurs when selecting items in a Motif listbox
CFS 21921 - csh skips the last line in a script if it is not terminated
CFS 21934 - wts cannot set tasks to run as LocalSystem
CFS 21944 - xterm kills GUI apps
CFS 21948 - "install on first use" problems with products less than TKEDev/TKPDev
CFS 21955 - files missing in samples directory on the eval CD
CFS 21956 - some samples do not build without modification
CFS 21959 - dosname fails on a drive letter
CFS 21996 - remote services are always installed with TKSA
CFS 21997 - rlogind should be added to Toolkit
CFS 22007 - hashbang statements that include a space do not work in csh
CFS 22015 - TKDev needs an ld that doesn't require NuTC
CFS 22058 - "at now+1min" gives an "invalid increment unit error"
CFS 22062 - getgroups() issues when Local/Domain Group is over 40 characters
CFS 22072 - smtpmail has no SMTP Server authentication options
CFS 22142 - the sh variables $*, $@, and $@ are wrong some of the time
CFS 22151 - admin installs do not copy all of the release notes files
CFS 22165 - stty needs to support the -erase functionality
CFS 22186 - rpcgen not processing .x files
CFS 22197 - ps needs an option to support remote servers
CFS 22222 - Toolkit needs a htstrip command
CFS 22232 - launching the control panel causes rexecd and rshd to be started
CFS 22278 - delayed removal of files with rm -d not working
CFS 22294 - chacl seg faults if no security descriptor is present
CFS 22349 - tar and cp need sparse file support
CFS 22382 - EACCES incorreclty shown as EACCESS in man pages
CFS 22421 - sh aborts with segmentation violation if it can't find a valid temp directory
CFS 22430 - add an option to turn off the "Check for Updates" feature
CFS 22434 - sftp has a limit on the size of files that can be downloaded
CFS 22442 - sh is not deleting temp files used for case statements and here docs
CFS 22452 - unable to configure telnet to only accept requests from specific IP addresses
CFS 22454 - dircmp is not working correctly with binary files
CFS 22504 - OE only install should not require a compiler on the target machine
CFS 22514 - lsacl -t r is not resolving SIDs
CFS 22515 - "set -o tabcomplete": tab tab does not list the matching pathnames
CFS 22521 - "set -o emacs +o tabcomplete": tab does nothing
CFS 22530 - groff sample does not build
CFS 22532 - sh prompt truncation algorithm has 2 problems
CFS 22539 - sh needs support for $'' ANSI-C string quoting
CFS 22544 - sh should not fork for $(<FILE)< td>
CFS 22559 - viw fails with a SEGV when the 'n' command is used to search for the next match
CFS 22569 - ESC-= in sh should page when there is more than a screenful of matches
CFS 22574 - ar has problems handling 64-bit object files
CFS 22588 - fgetwc() causes an infinite loop
CFS 22598 - wcstol() segfaults if NULL is passed to it as the second argument
CFS 22614 - PipeSelect() sometimes finishes before SocketSelect()
CFS 22618 - "MKS KSH Here" does not work under Windows 2003
CFS 22619 - Windows 2003 information needs to be added to the uname man page
CFS 22623 - tar fails with a "No match" error when run from csh
CFS 22627 - "sh -L -N -d c:\" results in "cannot change to -d directory" error
CFS 22628 - "HOME//.profile" should be "HOME/.profile" in set.1 man page
CFS 22640 - sh needs support for color/etc escape sequences in prompt string
CFS 22641 - sh needs support for backslash escape sequences in prompt string
CFS 22648 - sh needs function name completion and variable name completion
CFS 22655 - cc is missing some linker options
CFS 22687 - fprintf() does not process certain formats correctly
CFS 22689 - "dosname -l" always puts a trailing "/" on filenames
CFS 22712 - selected utilities added as shell built-ins
CFS 22713 - printf should support "%q"
CFS 22714 - print should support the "-f [format]" option
CFS 22716 - ssh keys are not created during installation
CFS 22735 - echo needs to support "\e"+"\E"
CFS 22737 - erratic shell script behavior with TK 8.5p1
CFS 22744 - atof() man page should not suggest that errno is set
CFS 22752 - man should set its exit status to 0 upon success
CFS 22755 - sh title bar should show executing non-built-in tasks in scripts
CFS 22778 - "ls -F" doesn't show symbolic links under Windows 2000 and up
CFS 22779 - sh, cd, and pwd need to support a "physical" flag
CFS 22821 - rsh/rlogin docs should state the requirement for two .rhosts entries
CFS 22836 - sh is not deleting temp files if a function is exited after command substitution
CFS 22842 - unable to input Japanese multi byte characters in X applications
CFS 22878 - ssh fails with a "read from socket failed" error
CFS 22892 - if "gset: Persistence->Use Saved Options" is set and there are no saved options then default values are now used
CFS 22904 - cannot enter german characters in XmTextFields
CFS 22919 - spelling error in the asctime_r man page
CFS 22938 - problems moving files between NTFS and FAT partitions with mv
CFS 22939 - file needs support for a $MAGIC environment variable
CFS 22984 - ls in csh displays "no match" when all globs fail
CFS 23002 - man -k does not work when MANPATH=""
CFS 23006 - mks_env usage message has -r wrong
CFS 23011 - export does not expand "~"
CFS 23028 - pending displays a confusing error when there are no pending file operations
CFS 23052 - TK_NTSECURITYINFO_OFF description should mention how it effects cp
CFS 23061 - smtpmail without any options gives an error but no usage message
CFS 23074 - file should be able to identify shortcut files
CFS 1008235 - grep needs an option to show lines before and after match
CFS 1012752 - variables set on the right side of pipe in sh should remain visible

Problèmes résolus par le Patch 2 de la Version 8.5
Patch2 Télécharger (26,5 Mo)
  CFS 22474 - need to be able to modify toolkit.msi for redist
CFS 22582 - msgrcv() hangs on a dual processor machine
CFS 22984 - csh displays "no match" when all globs fail
CFS 23158 - command substitution in scheduled jobs causes sh to fail
CFS 23244 - signals causing hang on Windows 2003
CFS 23245 - open() fails when trying to re-open a unix doman socket
CFS 23276 - sh incorrectly interprets bytes in a string of Japanese characters
CFS 23281 - printf() returns 1 instead of 2
CFS 23290 - patches need a silent install option
CFS 23303 - perl converts backslashes to forward slashes
CFS 23330 - TMPDIR being set in ncoeenv causes problems on Terminal Server
CFS 23425 - web style serial numbers result in missing binaries
CFS 23443 - SIGIO pauses when used in several applications
CFS 23467 - including Xm/Xm.h causes compile errors
Problèmes résolus par le Patch 1 de la Version 8.5
Patch1 Télécharger (23,5 Mo)
  CFS 20188 - pax -ruvf is unable to overwrite an older, hidden, writable file
CFS 20459 - dircmp compares file contents incorrectly
CFS 20795 - pipes close prematurely causing "write error on standard output" errors
CFS 21054 - ps has problems reading the process table under high load
CFS 21097 - wstart splits pathnames that contain spaces
CFS 21268 - CTRL-C does not work in telnet session
CFS 21282 - home key does not work in a telnet session
CFS 21405 - hashbang not working from exec() calls
CFS 21536 - web has non-standard behavior for ftp urls
CFS 21546 - wc gets byte count wrong with files that start with 2 blank lines
CFS 21582 - mailx needs support for the priority option
CFS 21622 - start and wstart should support all Windows priority options
CFS 21623 - mksdiag gives bad error when rootdir is the root of a drive
CFS 21673 - header file inconsistency when building with VC7 C++
CFS 21677 - wchar.h header file errors in C++ environment
CFS 21680 - awk converts path separators from backslashes to forward slashes
CFS 21864 - some VC7 C++ compiled applications fail with an access violation
CFS 21878 - sort not sorting numerically
CFS 22046 - case statement requires an echo/print to function properly
Problèmes résolus Version 8.5

12706 - maintenance install allows Motif/Wintif switch without reinstall
18509 - fprintf not displaying correct number of leading zeros
20377 - user key directory located off ~/, should be %USERPROFILE%
20444 - improved error messaging for start
20585 - perl generates undefined subroutine &Win32::CopyFile
20602 - user key directory located off ~/, should be %USERPROFILE%
20835 - installer should not be dependent on MDAC installation
21001 - autostart of Exceed 7.1.1 fails
21102 - extutil.h header missing from MKS headers
21113 - unable to make multiple ssh connections with unlimited option enabled
21179 - web downloads missing remote utilities
21236 - glwdrawa.h missing an extern to glwMDrawingAreaWidgetClass
21255 - sh not expanding ${variable[@]} correctly
21310 - telnet server erroneously limited to 256 connections
21337 - scp -r does not copy directories recursively
21383 - corrected toolkitmsi.exe to allow updates to be performed by Wise Deployment Wizard
21386 - mkszip gives floating point exception with small files
21395 - net use command (rsh) fails if stdin is redirected from the console
21402 - memory not being freed correctly by sheduler
21426 - Motif window hangs on high performance dual processor machine
1018982 - improved ksh here support for modified profile.ksh

Problèmes résolus par le Patch 3 de la Version 8.1
Patch1 Télécharger (14 Mo)
  CFS 16099 - select() indicates that it is "ready" when it is not
CFS 20769 - mmap() failure when used with the MAP_SHARED flag
CFS 21016 - fgrep -v gives incorrect behavior with empty patternfile
CFS 21255 - sh not expanding $@ correctly
CFS 21386 - mkszip fails with a "Floating point exception" error on small files
CFS 21402 - memory leak in tksched
CFS 21659 - su fails to open GUI applications under Windows XP
CFS 21683 - sftp gives "Couldn't read packet: Can't send after socket shutdown" error
CFS 21687 - event log error 12047 from mmap()
CFS 21713 - fatal error "Unable to satisfy process table mapping request" occurs while loading DLLs
CFS 21717 - tar (with piping) does not work in csh subshells
CFS 21754 - telnetd dropping connection on Windows NT Terminal Server with Citrix
CFS 21837 - csh script hangs at sed command
CFS 21862 - ls */ does not work properly in csh
CFS 21899 - NULL DACL on SD passed to CreateProcess() causes GP Fault
Problèmes résolus par le Patch 2 de la Version 8.1
Patch1 Télécharger (10,7Mo)
  CFS 20995 - problems with OE redist to 9x/ME machines that have PATHEXT defined
CFS 21092 - _NutFastStat() performance problems on Windows 2000
CFS 21321 - acos() and log() return incorrect error numbers
CFS 21426 - race condition causes window to freeze on high performance dual processor machine
Problèmes résolus par le Patch 1 de la Version 8.1
Patch1 Télécharger (6,2Mo)
  CFS 14360 - HASHBANG fails with pathnames that contain spaces
CFS 19332 - sh fails with a forked child error when started as a login shell from within XEmacs
CFS 19401 - pax -s behaviour changes if unsubstituted path exists
CFS 19512 - block data error with Absoft 7.0
CFS 20126 - umask breaks command substitution in csh
CFS 20378 - ssh-keygen output includes paths with wrong syntax
CFS 20387 - csh cannot overwrite /dev/nul when noclobber is set
CFS 20479 - secshd does not spawn an intermediate shell
CFS 20480 - in some cases "ssh <machine> ls" can cause secshd to crash
CFS 20493 - nutinsis.h causes warnings with Installshield 6.31
CFS 20571 - xterm fails when launched with the -ls option
CFS 20632 - problems manually entering a time value in tksched
SR 19000 - tksched recurring schedules with interval >= duration fail
Problèmes résolus Version 8.1

SR 11962 - web does not provide a username and password for authenticating firewalls
SR 13362 - htsplit removes comments when tokenizing HTML files
CFS 14541 - nutc_srv.c incorrectly manipulates the argc/argv setup
CFS 14675 - mapimail fails to find the correct perl executable
CFS 15519 (SR 11834) - the perl file association does not include parameters
CFS 18123 - ftype manpage does not address the difference between %1 and %L
CFS 18176 (SR 18992) - smtpmail should use numeric offset timezone instead of alpha abbreviation format
CFS 18900 - mailx enhanced to provide support for MS Exchange mode
SR 19004 - rsh hangs when used to open a second rsh session
CFS 19053 - porting note added to explain getpwuid behavior on an undocked laptop
CFS 19118 - sh in korn mode uses wrong trap when exiting a function
CFS 19749 - pscript does not support references to functions defined before the current script section
CFS 19794 - readlink() returning one less than expected
CFS 19806 - readlink() man page incorrectly states that the result is nul terminated
CFS 19822 - PDP_ENDIAN defined incorrectly in endian.h
CFS 19834 - msiexec cannot be installed silently
CFS 19879 - ls does not work on mounted drives
CFS 19920 - nutinsInstallOe() uses the default install path instead of the specified path
CFS 19929 - perl -S does not find scripts in PATH
CFS 19940 - sh does not support having its argv[0] set to something other than sh
CFS 20011 - mmap() does not work with files located on Samba shares
CFS 20030 - ssh does not return output from the command issued
CFS 20045 - Control Panel applet displays two files as UNKNOWN
CFS 20094 - XVision install fails with a "Unable to successfully complete post setup" error
CFS 20151 - fopen() fails on network printers under Windows 2000 Server
CFS 20167 - XVision displays a "30 day demo message" when installed with a silent install script
CFS 20213 - unnecessary reboot message displayed after silent install
CFS 20215 - nutinsInstallOe() always returns false
CFS 20274 - XVision displays a "20 day demo message" with opengl applications
CFS 20328 - sh attempts to execute subdirectories
CFS 20492 - during silent installs pbReboot is set incorrectly to false
CFS 20294 - sh expands $$ incorrectly in a subshell

Problèmes résolus par le Patch 1 de la Version 8.0
Patch1 Télécharger (1,7Mo)
  SR 16683, 18963 - su fails silently after 33 invocations
SR 18995 - basename should be case-insensitive by default
SR 19019 - enhanced rexecd to allow the use of old user/domain behavior
SR 19001 - enhanced rshd to provide better error messages when connection fails
CFS 19439 - secsh should support a terminal type other than 'nutc'
SR 19007 - segmentation violation in sh when using the [[-O .]] syntax
SR 18993 - ps reports incorrect virtual memory size under Windows 2000
CFS 19623 - ln does not remove temporary directories after failing to create a symbolic link
SR 19022) - tksched cannot find jobs that use absolute path names if logging is turned on
CFS 19872 - test -x always fails on subdirectories
CFS 19913 - components missing from redistribution
Problèmes résolus par la Version 8.0
  SR 7154 - awk should be able to open more than 15 files at one time
SR 9113 - installation fails if long filename support is turned off in the registry
SR 9844 - error in the "Inserting Text" section of the viw help file
SR 11797 - vpax should support relative filenames for '/'
SR 11835 - error occurs when opening multiple instances of vpax
SR 13022 - pax fails with a segmentation violation when reading a cpio CRC format archive
SR 13074 - vpax rewind corrupts tape archive
SR 13094 - vpax should support the ability to have archives dragged 'n' dropped on its icon
SR 13113 - vpax error boxes incorrectly display accented characters
SR 13161 - lsacl on a hidden share causes a segmentation violation
SR 13366 - comm does not support lines longer than 2048 characters
SR 14758 - awk parser stack depth needs to be increased
SR 14976 - vpax gives no error for a corrupt archive
SR 16909 - sh/ksh file type associations do not work for scripts in paths with spaces
SR 17645 - vpax crashes when you save an archive listing
SR 18468 - French Windows keyboard arrow keys don't work in vi
SR 18520 - csh "-f" option interferes with variable assignments
SR 18685 - command substitution problem in csh with built-in 'dirs' command
SR 18696 - output of date -u not adjusted for GMT
SR 18697 - output of date -c not adjusted for CUT
SR 18809 - grconfig does not check for service or winsock errors
SR 18814 - csh sub-scripts do not pause for keyboard input
SR 18818 - diff does not report "binary file" under some circumstances
SR 18832 - viw will open windows off the display screen
SR 18835 - du produces incomplete error messages
SR 18843 - rsh updated to handle 'remuser user too long' errors
SR 18844 - ls in unable to repeatedly access NT 4.0 UNC names from Windows 2000
SR 18871 - smtpmail fails silently in some circumstances
SR 18872 - rshd cannot access .rhosts file on mapped drives
SR 18899 - sh is unable to run files that have association types other than "Open"
SR 18906 - rlogin locks up on some character strings
SR 18909 - smtpmail drops characters from the body of the message
SR 18911 - grconfig does not work if rshd/rexecd are not installed
SR 18913 - non-interactive csh echoes the 'exit' command improperly
CFS 4731 - problems with getpwuid in a trusted domain environment
CFS 9155 - multibyte filename with second byte 0x5c is incorrectly converted by readdir
SR 14394 - ar gives duplicate symbol warnings with VC++ 6.0
CFS 12661 - various failures due to incorrect lookup in local rather than domain database
CFS 13314 - error messages in NuTCRACKER Platform (OE) installer need improvement
SR 17745 - csh aborts scripts on wildcard errors
CFS 15344 - listVisibleItemCount resource in Wintif mode always displays nine ListItems
SR 16682 - csh does not use registry file type associations
CFS 15768 - unable to locate scripts using gmake and pdksh
CFS 15891 - unable to silently install XVision as Administrator on Windows 2000
SR 18176 - csh hangs when running tail in background on dual processor machines
SR 18511 - csh has temp file problems when run from C:/
CFS 16649 - "Unresolved external symbols" errors for missing c.lib functions
CFS 16669 - select() calls with varying numbers of FDs returns prematurely
CFS 16735 - _NutForkExecv cannot spawn a program that has a space in the path.
CFS 16752 - NuTCRACKER Platform (OE) installer not modifying nc95.bat file, if one exists
CFS 16853 - NuTCRACKER Platform (OE) installer not setting the TMPDIR variable correctly
CFS 17244 - perl system() calls do not invoke correct command interpreter
CFS 17255 - mmap() of an existing file sets wrong shared memory permissions
CFS 17425 - select() indicates no information to be read when passing FDs
CFS 17439 - execv() has problems with arguments when path of executable has spaces
CFS 17460 - fcntl() does not consistently lock files.
CFS 17500 - FORTRAN reads force multiple calls to fstat
CFS 17519 - refresh problems when installing NuTCRACKER Platform (OE)
CFS 17529 - uninstaller for NuTCRACKER Platform (OE) fails to clean the registry
SR 18791 - sh not capable of running executables that have no extension
CFS 17646 - diff stops prematurely when used on .ps files with null characters
CFS 17689 - GNU make will not handle double quotes or special character (&&)
CFS 17711 - performance degraded due to thread caught in a loop
CFS 17755 - deployment of NuTCRACKER Platform (OE) on Windows 2000 results in missing programs related 'curses'
CFS 17783 - scanf() and printf() do not handle 64-bit quantities
CFS 17802 - long path environment variable removed/corrupted during install of NuTCRACKER Platform (OE)
CFS 17849 - nested csh script does not stop for terminal input
CFS 17899 - uninstall does not clear ROOTDIR and new install cannot be repositioned
SR 18875 - wpast/wcopy need a retry (-r) option
SR 18839 - incorrectly includes the -e option for zip
CFS 17939 - rsh can cause 'remuser user too long' errors in certain situations
CFS 17961 - XmFileSelectionBox does not scroll/resize properly in Wintif mode
CFS 17974 - error dialogs appear when uninstalling NuTCRACKER Platform components (OE) built with deployment wizard
CFS 17976 - tzset() does not check daylight savings adjustment setting
CFS 17981 - race condition causing fork() failure and event log messages
CFS 17985 - ps -o state produces no data
CFS 17995 - AF_UNIX socket client disconnect notification not the same as AF_INET
CFS 18010 - symlink problem in DLL interface between different versions of the NuTCRACKER Platform
CFS 18021 - problem with number pad decimal point scan
CFS 18089 - O_NONBLOCK flag is set incorrectly in read() function
SR 18876 - chown/chgrp are not compatible with files named using foreign characters
CFS 18159 - select() returning a false ready on an FIFO file descriptor
CFS 18203, SR 18897 - ls incorrectly displays a file's SID value in place of the owner's name
CFS 18227 - select() with large number of FDs eventually log errors to the event log
CFS 18244, 18264 - exec() problem with commands containing double quotes
CFS 18299 - rcp -r option does not copy subdirectories properly
SR 18925 - csh passes arguments incorrectly to child processes
CFS 18369 - NuTCRACKER Platform (OE) installer sets SHELL environment variable even when utilities are not redistributed
CFS 18394 - gmake pattern substitution not working correctly
CFS 18421 - help, look, man, manstrip, spell missing from Deployment Wizard for Developer Utilities
CFS 18446 - exec() fails with commands longer than 512 bytes
CFS 18466 - "console failed to initialize" error on Windows 2000 Server with TSE.
CFS 18496 - AttachProcess event not being passed to DllMain
CFS 17942 - cannot deselect XVision install from Workstation only install
CFS 18581 - strptime() shows day of month, month, days since Sunday/January incorrectly
CFS 18624 - poll() is restricted to 256 descriptors
SR 18896 - $0 should be set using forward slashes instead of backslashes
CFS 18766 - system() not working on runtime machine
CFS 18823 - unable to read from socket when data is available
CFS 18924 - silent install always uses default directory
CFS 19074 - data segment not properly copied after fork()
SR 18996 - tape utilities need an option to force use of native tape support instead of ASPI
SR 19001 - rsh needs to give proper error message when HOME is set to an incompatible value
Problèmes résolus Version 7.5
Patch1 Télécharger (9Mo)
  SR 10981 - perl system() calls do not invoke correct command interpreter
SR 18468 - French Windows keyboard arrow keys don't work in vi
SR 18809 - grconfig should check for service or winsock errors
SR 18814 - csh sub-scripts don't pause for keyboard input
SR 18818 - diff doesn't report binary file under some circumstances
SR 18832 - viw will open windows off the display screen
SR 18835 - du produces incomplete error messages
SR 18843 - rsh and 'remuser user too long'
SR 18871 - smtpmail fails silently in some circumstances
SR 18872 - rshd can't access .rhosts file on mapped drives
SR 18906 - rlogin locks up on some character strings
SR 18909 - smtpmail drops characters from the body of the message
SR 18911 - grconfig doesn't work if rshd and rexecd are not installed
SR 18913 - non-interactive csh echoes the 'exit' command improperly
CFS 16735 - _NutForkExecv() cannot spawn a program has a space in the path
CFS 17244 - perl system() calls do not invoke correct command interpreter
CFS 17500 - FORTRAN reads force multiple calls to fstat()
CFS 17529 - uninstaller for NuTCRACKER Platform (OE) fails to clean the registry
CFS 17646 - severe problem - when MKS diff is applied to two .ps files
CFS 17689 - after NuTCRACKER 4.2a Patch 2 applied, GNU make v3.76.1 will not compile files
CFS 17755 - deployment of NuTCRACKER Platform (OE) on Windows 2000 results in missing programs related 'curses'
CFS 17783 - scanf() and printf() do not handle 64-bit quantities
CFS 17849 - nested csh script does not stop for terminal input
CFS 17852 - incorrect file versions in MKS Toolkit 7.5
CFS 17860 - grconfig performance difference between MKS Toolkit 7.01 and MKS Toolkit 7.5
CFS 17899 - uninstall does not clear ROOTDIR, and new install cannot be repositioned
CFS 17939 - rsh and 'remuser user too long'
CFS 17974 - error dialogs appear when uninstalling packaging wizard OE
CFS 18010 - symlink problem in DLL interface between different versions of the NuTCRACKER Platform
CFS 18021 - problem with number pad decimal point scan
CFS 18089 - Bug in read() function - O_NONBLOCK flag is set incorrectly
Problèmes résolus Version 7.0.1

16442 - Only one TK demo allowed per system
16449 - Installer needs to add SDK registry keys
16464 - Workstation always installed, even in custom installs that tried to omit it
16471 - Installation directory cannot be root
16473 - `ncoeenv' is added to registry, even if workstation not installed
16483 - see 16503
16492 - see 16473
16503 - upgrade from SX serial number failed
16553 - Receiving message "Failed to obtain information about MKS Toolkit Utilities"
16577 - Demo does not include rshd
16583 - Receiving message "String variable is not large enough for string"
16596 - Installer thinks that uninstaller is in use
16601 - Problem installing TKEDev
16625 - see 16473
16646 - Can't install MKS 7.0
16653 - Default file error
16679 - Toolkit 7.0 files put in directory of existing installation
16692 - see 16583
16763 - see 16577
16768 - see 16583
16769 - custom reinstall of TKEDev clobbers existing start menu
16772 - Problem moving TKDev to a different directory.

Problèmes résolus Version 7.0
Patch1 Télécharger (7Mo)

11522 - Problem with compiler.ccg (from msc32.ccg) not detecting -link option
15316 - KornShell about box can be misleading
16393 - "end" in C Shell for loop not recognized if it ends after 1024 chars
16713 - MKS C Shell behavior differs from UNIX in terms of variable substitution within a foreach loop
17403 - in C Shell, variables are not available inside `` (command substitution)
17630 - quoted command substitutions in C Shell fail
17635 - C Shell $< substitution does not work in verbose mode
17664 - large foreach loops in C Shell execute only once
17712 - C Shell crashes if PATH is set to ""
18139 - quoted args in KornShell are not passed to registry associations correctly
18277 - awk adds extra "^M" characters after encountering a "^Z"
18326 - "delete" key does not work with autorun
18327 - autorun puts garbage, empty command in registry
18415 - KornShell downcasts the path of the executable hardcoded in the script
18417 - from cmd.exe 'echo a\"b\" c' has wrong output
18469 - NT symlinks and tar
18493 - csh "cd e:/dir ; cd c:/ ; cd e:. ; pwd" displays e:/ not e:/dir
18511 - C Shell has temp file problem when run from C:/
18516 - rcp -r fails sometimes
18592 - C Shell re-evaluates the value of $$ in ` `
18601 - path length is limited in ugrep "Starting From" field
18617 - memory leak during command substitutions
18627 - rsh exit status is always "1"
18632 - C Shell sometimes adds extra, unnecessary backslashes to echoed lines
18639 - rexec always sets exit code to "1"
18642 - command substitution in cshrc.csh causes infinite loop at startup
14766 - App Packaging Wizard browse for stage directory
15421 - select() does not work well in multi-threaded environments.
15927 - shared memory problem.
16172 - Multiple Socket/Pipe Errors in NT eventlog, busy loop in...
16176 - putenv("PATH",...) does not update PATH correctly.
16199 - getsid() is not working correctly.
16214 - Processes sometimes hang on exit.
16217 - shmat fails in some instances.
16243 - Navigation problem in the Deployment Wizard
16253 - Deployment wizard unable to create nested directories
16355 - NuTCleanup Error.
16380 - Version number was not bumped for 7.0 release.
16389 - read() sets errno incorrectly to EAGAIN.
16391 - Bug in _NutForkExec family involving itimers.
16416 - TKUTILS Key not installed
16419 - NUT_VALIDATE_HEAPS should bring up debug dialog
16552 - Release of select() semaphore for file type 6 failed with error 298.
16553 - Getting "Failed to obtain information about, MKS Toolkit Utilities".
16567 - pthread_cond_timewait suspending thread.
16619 - strerror() was incorrectly modifying the errno value.
16825 - App Packaging Wizard not copying Toolkit chown.exe

4152 - application cannot redefine FD_SETSIZE
5264 - What is max number of sockets you can open
7509 - need to extend FD_SETSIZE from 256 to 512 in include\nutc\fd_set.h
10276 - socket problems when the client process forks.
10753 - like to know impications of increasing the FS_SETSIZE settings
11968 - socket connection broken when the server process forks
12551 - NuTCRACKER SDK - select function
12812 - NUT_VALIDATE_HEAPS did not catch double free.
12836 - Update security discussion in Cross-Platform Guide for Win2000 Active Directory
12866 - Create real man pages for advanced programming commands and APIs.
12911 - SO_LINGER difference in windsock/berkeley
12968 - read() on a socket returns -1
12977 - SIGKILL does not shut down processes
13222 - fork() fails on dual processor machines
13277 - multibyte (Asian) input does not work well for console applications.
13688 - socket linger option buggy!
13839 - document that bison must be built before flex.
13967 - XRT samples not from PDS 2.0
13982 - Clarify documentation on deploying third-party options.
14011 - nutinsProcessHasRights(), nutinsRegisterApp() misspelled in nutins header
14435 - typo in bzero.h
14534 - _NutWIN32getenv() alters environment variable contents
14620 - kill command cannot send signal 0
14626 - fixed fnmatch() to be case insensitive.
14677 - X11 global variables in C++.
15227 - MessageBox too small
15452 - unresolved reference: XtInheritTranslations
15461 - poll() error
15462 - command line mangled by sh
15474 - poll blows up
15559 - FD_SETSIZE limited to 256
15642 - File Selection dialog not properly resized
15879 - Problem with bind() for AF_UNIX sockets
15927 - shared memory problem
15980 - Where is the type command?
16111 - Cannot bind before connect using AF_UNIX sockets
10277 - vi and viw now use the current directory for temporary files when neither TMP nor TMPDIR are set.
12798 - web now has a -t option that allows you to specify how long to wait before timing out.
14145 - A segmentation violation no longer occurs when the disk that viw is using runs out of free space. 14904 - The sh -G option now shuts off - GUI features for the running shell.
15308 - sh, csh, vi: if a startup file with a Windows-style name (e.g., ~/profile.ksh) does not exist, now look for the equivalent UNIX-style name (for example, ~/.profile).
15429 - When working with multiple files, viw now correctly remembers the cursor position of previous files.
15781 - sh now properly handles #! when the script is found using an extension search. For example, assume you type prog and using an extension search, sh finds prog.ksh. If prog.ksh begins with #!csh, sh now properly invokes csh to run the script.
16473 - viw now has the :set guierror option to report errors to the status line rather than a dialog box.
16747 - vi: a pipe broken error no longer occurs when an ex command replaces the current file.
16778 - The csh built-in which no longer searches the current directory unless it is explicitly listed in the search path.
16798 - The Options->Text menu of viw now lets you set the color of the window and the text.
16800 - viw now stores settings in the registry. The viw.ini file is used only when registry settings are not found. 16912 - Window location settings are now saved when exiting viw.
16935 - In viw, problems with highlighting text have now been fixed.
16947 - viw now properly handles the dragging of shortcut files into its window.
16949 - viw no longer loses the file name of a file that contains lines longer than LINE_MAX.
16960 - viw: clicking on a line too long to display in the window no longer generates an internal error.
16975 - The name of the file being edited is now displayed first in the viw title bar.
16978 - viw: working in the ex command line box no longer delays menu processing.
17354 - The printf command now correctly returns MAXINT+1.
17624 - viw now properly handles directory names with spaces when you use it with file associations.
17637 - viw now properly handles file lists when more than one viw session is open.
17638 - viw now has a -n option that allows the loading and saving of profiles.
17807 - viw now has *.asc and *.ans file filters in the Open, Save, and Save As dialog boxes.
17914 - viw is no longer silent when a shell command fails.
18002 - The shell (sh) now correctly handles traps on pipe errors.

Problèmes résolus Version 4.2a
Patch2 Télécharger (19Mo)

16937 - Format character %LF is not working properly in scanf() family.
16900 - Getting 'Out of memory attempting to allocate atexit() entry' w/ NC DL.
16810 - Signal information is lost vfork() child process signal handler.
16775 - Getting error: Failed to create directory "\:\NutTrash4" using unlink().
16571 - Kill command is not able to stop a NuTC service.
16567 - The pthread_cond_timewait() is suspending a thread indefinitely.
16537 - Getting and Exception when a Java app loads a DLL build w/ MKS NuTC 4.2p1.
16532 - The kill() function call fails on newly created child process.
16091 - The system() handling quoting in a way that causes cmd.exe to fail.

Patch privé 1.4

16619 - strerror() always sets errno to 22 (invalid argument)
16552 - Release of select() semaphore for file type 6 failed with error 298
16391 - Serious bug in _NutForkExec family
16389 - read() sets errno incorrectly
16355 - NuTC cleanup error.
16217 - shmat fails in some instances.
16214 - Processes sometimes hang on exit.
16172 - Multiple Socket/Pipe Errors in NT eventlog, busy loop in...
15927 - shared memory problem.
15879 - problem with socket calls.
15642 - Selection box bug is not resized properly.
15461 - poll() error.
15421 - select() does not work well in MT environments.
15227 - SCO 168.271, MessageBox too small.

Patch privé 1.3

16391 - Serious bug in _NutForkExec family.

Patch privé 1.2

16217 - shmat fails in some instances.
16214 - Processes sometimes hang on exit.

Patch privé 1.1

15927 - shared memory problem
15879 - Problem with socket calls
15642 - Selection box bug is not resized properly.
15461 - poll() error
15462 - commandline mangled by sh
15227 - MessageBox too small
13622 - FIFO inheritance broken by MKS 6.2 shell.


15762 - Unhandled exception in nutsys4.dll (pt_nutc.cpp) function
15749 - O_TEMPORARY open() option fails
15697 - login.csh clobbered when NuTC 4.2a installed
15649 - stat() on Win9x doesn't fill in st_mode properly
15491 - Sys V semaphore lock problem
15460 - many RPC calls to PDC
15423 - hang in pthread_once()
15368 - after vfork, unable to duplicate handle (Call Log 590047)
15168 - hcreate, hsearch: not getting entire capacity?

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